The Kestrel Ridge GC Junior Program is open to golfers between the ages of 6 and 17. The program is intended to give juniors the opportunity to learn and play the game of golf in a fun and safe environment. We hope to provide your children with a growing interest and skill through increased knowledge of etiquette, rules, and a wide variety of instructional activities.
June 18, 25 / July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
(Rain Date: August 6th)
All sessions will take place on Tuesday mornings.
Windhover Group 6 – 8
8:00am – 8:45am: Instruction
(June 18th and July 30th will be the on-course)
Kestrel Group 13 – 17
9:15am – 10:00am: Instruction
10:15am – 12:15pm: On-course Play
Falcon Group 9 – 12
10:30am – 11:15am: Instruction
11:30am – 12:30pm: On-course Play