by Jessica Blaska | May 24, 2022 | Golf Tips
PUT THE DRIVER AWAY If your swing is out of rhythm, the driver is likely to be the worst club in your bag. If you’re off target with your short irons by 5 or 10 yards, your driver is going to be off by 20 or 30 yards and that means your ball could go anywhere off the...
by Jessica Blaska | May 17, 2022 | Golf Tips
KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE The absolute worst thing you can do when you’re playing bad is get angry. Frustration leads to more frustration. No one ever plays good when they’re distraught and as hard as it may be, it’s always important to keep a positive attitude. Just...
by Jessica Blaska | May 10, 2022 | Golf Tips
TAKE A FEW DAYS OFF Though it may seem counterproductive, the absolute best thing you can do when you find yourself in a funk is to put the clubs in your garage and take a few days off. Don’t swing, don’t putt, just do something else. The reason you’re having problems...
by Jessica Blaska | May 3, 2022 | Golf Tips
ELIMINATE PENALTY SHOTS Penalty shots can be “round killers”. Hitting OB (out-of-bounds) is like throwing two shots out the window and hitting into a hazard can easily turn a par or a bogey into a triple or a double. If you’re consistently shooting in the mid-80’s,...
by Jessica Blaska | Apr 26, 2022 | Golf Tips
FOCUS ON YOUR PUTTING Putting is, without question, the most important part of golf. It can completely erase bad shots and in most cases, it’s the only part of your game that doesn’t change much on a day-to-day basis. If you’re not hitting the ball well, putting can...
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